
  • Operate all kinds of rare earth wire materials,

    Processing nonferrous alloys and rare earth alloy wires and bars

    Implementation standards: customized according to customer requirements Quality system: ISO9001

    Applicable process: evaporation coating, ion sputtering

    Specifications: according to customer requirements

  • Operate all kinds of rare earth wire materials,

    Processing nonferrous alloys and rare earth alloy wires and bars

    Implementation standards: customized according to customer requirements Quality system: ISO9001

    Applicable process: evaporation coating, ion sputtering

    Specifications: according to customer requirements

  • Operate all kinds of rare earth wire materials,

    Processing nonferrous alloys and rare earth alloy wires and bars

    Implementation standards: customized according to customer requirements Quality system: ISO9001

    Applicable process: evaporation coating, ion sputtering

    Applicable process: evaporation coating, ion sputtering

温州市| 旬邑县| 从化市| 洱源县| 湟源县| 北辰区| 陆川县| 五莲县| 常熟市| 吉木萨尔县| 台湾省| 衡东县| 苏尼特左旗| 昆明市| 分宜县| 五常市| 贡觉县| 北川| 盱眙县| 彭泽县| 黎城县| 普陀区| 阿勒泰市| 宝坻区| 清苑县| 闽侯县| 晴隆县| 柳州市| 陆丰市| 视频| 贺州市| 准格尔旗| 乐至县| 新沂市| 西华县| 松阳县| 恭城| 华坪县| 会同县| 张家界市| 望江县|