
  • Operate all kinds of rare earth wire materials,

    Processing nonferrous alloys and rare earth alloy wires and bars

    Implementation standards: customized according to customer requirements Quality system: ISO9001

    Applicable process: evaporation coating, ion sputtering

    Specifications: according to customer requirements

  • Operate all kinds of rare earth wire materials,

    Processing nonferrous alloys and rare earth alloy wires and bars

    Implementation standards: customized according to customer requirements Quality system: ISO9001

    Applicable process: evaporation coating, ion sputtering

    Specifications: according to customer requirements

  • Operate all kinds of rare earth wire materials,

    Processing nonferrous alloys and rare earth alloy wires and bars

    Implementation standards: customized according to customer requirements Quality system: ISO9001

    Applicable process: evaporation coating, ion sputtering

    Applicable process: evaporation coating, ion sputtering

尖扎县| 安宁市| 宕昌县| 聊城市| 溧阳市| 历史| 方正县| 星座| 图片| 繁峙县| 忻州市| 视频| 陇西县| 来安县| 白水县| 武夷山市| 美姑县| 涡阳县| 梨树县| 封开县| 大丰市| 咸宁市| 正安县| 舟山市| 称多县| 德钦县| 三穗县| 满洲里市| 民丰县| 葵青区| 丰顺县| 盐城市| 盘山县| 光山县| 铁力市| 广安市| 新津县| 贵州省| 邯郸市| 偃师市| 湟中县|