
  • Operate all kinds of rare earth wire materials,

    Processing nonferrous alloys and rare earth alloy wires and bars

    Implementation standards: customized according to customer requirements Quality system: ISO9001

    Applicable process: evaporation coating, ion sputtering

    Specifications: according to customer requirements

  • Operate all kinds of rare earth wire materials,

    Processing nonferrous alloys and rare earth alloy wires and bars

    Implementation standards: customized according to customer requirements Quality system: ISO9001

    Applicable process: evaporation coating, ion sputtering

    Specifications: according to customer requirements

  • Operate all kinds of rare earth wire materials,

    Processing nonferrous alloys and rare earth alloy wires and bars

    Implementation standards: customized according to customer requirements Quality system: ISO9001

    Applicable process: evaporation coating, ion sputtering

    Applicable process: evaporation coating, ion sputtering

百色市| 弥渡县| 中方县| 崇左市| 台湾省| 新平| 浦东新区| 灵宝市| 雷波县| 长子县| 磐安县| 安新县| 莱西市| 论坛| 德格县| 沈丘县| 丰台区| 云浮市| 都兰县| 隆尧县| 温州市| 清河县| 大洼县| 江阴市| 盐池县| 清新县| 沅江市| 建阳市| 沙湾县| 林芝县| 兖州市| 合川市| 怀化市| 栖霞市| 吴川市| 来宾市| 桃江县| 昌邑市| 桐梓县| 隆昌县| 宜君县|