
  • Operate all kinds of rare earth wire materials,

    Processing nonferrous alloys and rare earth alloy wires and bars

    Implementation standards: customized according to customer requirements Quality system: ISO9001

    Applicable process: evaporation coating, ion sputtering

    Specifications: according to customer requirements

  • Operate all kinds of rare earth wire materials,

    Processing nonferrous alloys and rare earth alloy wires and bars

    Implementation standards: customized according to customer requirements Quality system: ISO9001

    Applicable process: evaporation coating, ion sputtering

    Specifications: according to customer requirements

  • Operate all kinds of rare earth wire materials,

    Processing nonferrous alloys and rare earth alloy wires and bars

    Implementation standards: customized according to customer requirements Quality system: ISO9001

    Applicable process: evaporation coating, ion sputtering

    Applicable process: evaporation coating, ion sputtering

资兴市| 洞口县| 保德县| 武宣县| 浮梁县| 大邑县| 民和| 兴业县| 大港区| 黑河市| 许昌市| 肥城市| 仁布县| 龙泉市| 贵阳市| 太保市| 南木林县| 南平市| 忻州市| 陈巴尔虎旗| 麻栗坡县| 运城市| 微博| 炎陵县| 永清县| 宁国市| 兴海县| 思茅市| 博兴县| 新闻| 益阳市| 蒙自县| 金秀| 石嘴山市| 元阳县| 富锦市| 靖江市| 诸城市| 库伦旗| 柳林县| 泸州市|